Hi all
The club AGM can sadly not go ahead in it's usual format, so this year it will be via an online meeting on Zoom. The date for the meeting is Thursday 25th February at 8pm. Agenda below
. The zoom info is:
Time: Feb 25, 2021 08:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87971975083?pwd=R1ZzQkRiV2xoSllPOGY4eExSRXZVQT09 Meeting ID: 879 7197 5083 Passcode: 071154
As you know, there were some changes to the committee earlier on in the year, and Andy Ball took over as Chairman. This was planned to be temporary, but Andy is happy to continue in the role for another 12 months. If anyone would like to take on this role after that then please email us. For information the other members of the committee have indicated they are happy to continue in their current roles.
Hopefully you can attend the meeting, as it's great to have members input into future plans etc for the club.
Many thanks