Steve Morris 5
Sunday 30th June 2024 10am
Race permit No : ARC/24/0382
Car sharing essential.
Parking = Neovia, Peckleton Lane, Desford LE9 9BZ.
Please do not park on the main road or grass verges
Race HQ - Sport in Desford , Peckleton Lane, Desford (Opposite Griffen Park)
Transfers end Tuesday 25th June (Midnight)
All-important race details :
● Distance: 5 miles, marked in miles
● There is a 1⁄4 mile walk from the parking to race HQ
● There is a 1 mile walk from the race finish line to the car parking
● Please note the bridle path is narrow and for safety you should stay on the tarmac
and not try to overtake on the rough ground to the side of it
● No club tents - no area to pitch them - (apologies) Property: All property left
unattended at the club is at the owner’s risk. There will be a tent for clubs to use as a
bag drop
● Chip timed, open to all runners, min age 16. Limited to 680 runners.
● Refreshments: Ice Cream Van 😀 Tea and Coffee Van
● Entry: £13 per LRRL club runner/£15 unattached. Please note that, for the first week,
entries are open to LRRL club runners only.
● Toilets/Changing: Available at race HQ/Sport in Desford, plus additional portaloos
● Number collection: At the registration desks. Numbers will be arranged by club, or
surname if unattached.
● Safety: It is the responsibility of the runner to assess his/her own fitness to run.
Also to ensure suitable clothing is worn for the weather conditions. All runners must
keep to the left hand side of the road throughout the race unless directed otherwise
by marshals.
● Drinks stations: There is no drink station on the course - water is available at the
● Headphones: These are strictly prohibited and it is a condition of the race entry that
they are not used. This includes bone conduction headphones. This is a safety
precaution imposed for the sake of all competitors. Please comply with this
instruction or risk disqualification. This will be enforced by the race referee.
● Name changes: Can only be made through the Event Entry system – details on how
to do this will be included in the confirmation email. Refunds and deferrals: Not
● A donation will be made to the 2024 Club Charity https://www.sea-changers.org.uk
, rather than a memento being awarded to all runners. There will be spot prizes and
an Awards Presentation at the finish line (weather permitting)
● Race queries: Contact Race organisers by using the email dsrc.inform@gmail.com
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